Meta Resources

Meta resources can help document API model resources, covering input variables, output variables and a thorough description of the underlying model that informs the resource.

Filtering for meta documents is available as well.


An example of creating a meta resource is as follows:

First, you will need either a ModelResource or a CollectionModelResource for documentation. For example the BookResource used as an example in other areas of this documentation.

A minimal example:

class BookMetaResource(MetaModelResource):
    resource_class = BookResource

class BookMetaCollection(MetaModelResource):
    resource_class = BookResource

Two resources have been created. The default URLs created for these two resources are:


As with the Collection Resources, there is a single URL created encased in a list for consistency with the model resources.

GET Method

The meta resource just uses a GET method for the source of information. Because of the volume of information produced, there is an option for limiting the query to a single method, such as:



By adding a filter to the query, the information can be sliced back to a manageable level. This is particularly useful for using on an adhoc basis.


The above returns the contents of the GET method along with details of the underlying table.


The request below returns just the inputs available for post.


The request below returns the inputs plus the filenames associated with method decorators available for post.
